New, improved amenities await Clementi residents

To improve the quality of living for our residents, existing facilities are being upgraded, while new ones have been added to enhance amenities in Clementi.

Completed Works

Residents in Clementi can also enjoy the following new facilities:

Build deeper family bonds by exercising with your loved ones at the multi-generation fitness corner and playground between Blocks 357 and 358 Clementi Avenue 2.

Drop-off point and roof over an existing ramp at Block 355 Clementi Avenue 2.

New covered linkway from Block 378 Clementi Avenue 5 to existing linkway near the traffic junction.

Wheelchair-bound residents need not worry about the weather now as a new roof has been built over the existing ramp connecting Block 410 Commonwealth Avenue West to the existing bus stop.

A new drop-off point at Block 414 Commonwealth Avenue West.

Give your children a break from studying and let them have some fun at the upgraded children’s playground at Block 334 Clementi Avenue 2 (below; first row) and Block 415 Commonwealth Avenue West (second row).

A more inclusive walkway has been created with the construction of a new ramp at Blocks 411 and 412 Commonwealth Avenue West.

A new covered walkway linking Block 435 Clementi Avenue 3 to the existing covered walkway.

Ongoing Works

A new children’s playground and multi-generation fitness corner at Block 351 Clementi Avenue 2 will be unveiled when ongoing refurbishments are completed.

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