Let’s Keep Our Estate Clean 

A cyclist is seen riding along the bank of Sungei Ulu Pandan at the Ulu Pandan Park Connector (Clementi side) on April 22, 2023. Can be used for stories on park, nature, environment, cyclist.

The benefit of a clean home is pretty much apparent. However, when shared spaces are concerned, it is a blurred line, as the responsibility is no longer on just one person. Remember, these communal grounds are as much yours as they are your fellow neighbours’. And it is not difficult to upkeep a tidy and uncluttered estate. The Jurong-Clementi Town Council (JRTC) has prepared an exhaustive list of simple dos and don’ts that you can refer to for a cleaner and more beautiful neighbourhood.

Let’s all say “Yes” to working collaboratively and “No” to dirt and clutter!

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