A slew of upgrading and improvement works have been carried out across Taman Jurong estate to bring more convenience and amenities to residents. From playgrounds to sheltered walkways and drop-off points, these new features will further improve liveability.
Construction of children’s playground between Blocks 138A and 138C Yuan Ching Road.
Construction of covered walkway along the multi-storey carpark at Block 183A Corporation Drive.
Construction of covered walkway from Block 180 Yung Sheng Road to Taman Jurong Market and Food Centre.
Showcase of Neighbourhood Renewal Programme (NRP) for Blocks 321 to 336 Tah Ching Road/ Kang Ching Road
The residents of Blocks 321 to 336 Tah Ching Road/ Kang Ching Road can view the new and upcoming projects on showcase at the void decks until 17 October 2021. In order to avoid overcrowding, residents are encouraged to view the Neighbourhood Renewal Programme (NRP) exhibition online here from the comforts of their homes. Construction is expected to begin early next year. The NRP is a government-funded project, and the enhancement works are paid for by the government. In addition to the NRP, the old lifts will be replaced and electrical rewiring work and water distribution pipes replacement will also be done, among other improvement works.

Construction of highland and covered walkway at Blocks 346 to 346A Kang Ching Road.
Repair and redecoration works in Blocks 116 to 122 Yuan Ching Road.
Before: Claddings and facade attachments Before: Claddings and facade attachments Before: Barrier-free access After: Barrier-free access and paved road Before: Metal ceiling board in the lift lobby After: New ceiling board installed in the lift lobby Before: Concrete paver on jogging track and footpath Before: Retiling of floor After: Polished concrete and renewed sealant on the staircase Covered walkway Before: Upgrading of basketball court After: Upgraded basketball court
Repair and redecoration works from Blocks 345 to 355 Kang Ching Road.
Before: Block painting After: Block painting Before: Reconstruction of scupper drain After: Reconstruction of scupper drain Completed: Renewed sealant at joints in staircases and corridors Completed: New signage installation In progress: New signage near the letterbox area In progress: Upgraded seating in the void deck Completed: Upgrading of multipurpose hall In progress: Repainting of badminton court Completed: Repainting of road markings Completed: Repainting of road markings
Upgrading of multigeneration fitness corner at Block 351 Corporation Drive.