50岁的Zubaidah是一个快乐的祖母,她的工作是前线的客户服 务。她说,每天面对居民,需要耐心、专注、分析和倾听的技巧,因 为经常需要处理居民对居住环境或维修问题的反馈和意见。她从 工作中得到的满足感来自看到问题解决、居民满意、大家都有舒 适的居住环境
Zubaidah, a cheerful 50-year-old and grandmother of one, is no stranger to frontline customer service, having worked as a receptionist at the town council back in the 1990s. In retrospect to her current six-year stint with the town council, she says her job requires her to have a lot of patience and a good listening ear, as she often has to deal with residents’ feedback about defects or maintenance issues.

“Some residents may be unhappy that the cleanliness problem at their corridor is not resolved and they will demand to speak to the officer in charge. Or they will demand for the electrician to go immediately to their unit when there is a sudden power outage,” says Zubaidah, who will usually alert the cases to the officer in charge and call the respective contractors to follow up on the feedback.
She works from 8am to 5pm on weekdays and finishes at 1pm on alternate Saturdays. Her typical work routine includes:
- Retrieve the cases that were lodged with the 24-hour EMSU hotline, and inform the property officer and respective contractors to follow up on the cases.
- Screen the photos taken by residents on the iTown@SG app and key in the cases into the central system for follow-up action. iTown@ SG is an initiative by the Town Councils that allows residents to share any maintenance feedback to the respective Town Councils via their mobile devices.
- Attend to residents’ phone calls on maintenance feedback and alert the officer in charge and contractor for follow-up action. In cases of emergencies, such as a report of a beehive spotted on a tree, Zubaidah will get the cleaner to verify the case and cordon off the area before calling in a pest control company to remove the beehive.
- Attend to residents’ online bookings and phone requests for free bulk item removal from their units (limited to three pieces per month).
- Attend to walk-in requests from residents who want to make a booking for common facilities or provide maintenance feedback.
- Check the central system for cases referred by the Municipal Services Office. Cases could include issues pertaining to corridor lighting, pipe leakage and so forth.