Contrary to popular belief that people struggling with mental health are weak or lack willpower, such conditions are common and can affect anyone. According to the Singapore Mental Health Study (2016), one out of seven people in Singapore will develop a mental health condition in their lifetime. Yet more than three-quarters with mental health conditions do not seek help. Major depressive disorder, alcohol abuse and obsessive-compulsive disorder are the top three most common mental health conditions in Singapore.
As we navigate uncertainties during the pandemic, mental health-related issues are also on the rise. In an in-depth study conducted by the Institute of Mental Health to assess the population’s psychological responses and mental well-being during the pandemic, around 13% of the surveyed population reported experiencing symptoms of depression or anxiety from May 2020 to June 2021.
Residents in our town can tap on community resources provided by various social service organisations for support.
Loving Heart
Established in 2000, Loving Heart primarily serves the elderly who live in studio apartments and rental flats. It has designed a community mental wellness initiative titled Sound Mind, Soft Heart, which uses a gentle approach to address mental health problems. The key thrusts of this programme are focused on self-reflection and developing self-awareness through practising good self-care and mindfulness. Participants will also be taught how to cultivate a good heart and be pro-social.
The programme is led by volunteer Mental Mentors, who are trained by various stakeholders, including the Agency of Integrated Care and the Singapore Association of Mental Health, to handle and support people with mental health problems.
Loving Heart Sound Mind Soft Heart initiative
Block 210 Jurong East Street 21
#01-389, Singapore 600210
Tel: 6897-4766

Bukit Batok East
Club Heal @BBE
Club Heal provides education and counselling to people with mental health issues and their families at their mental wellness centres. As people with mental health challenges need more than just medication and hospitals to get better, its programme focuses on psychiatric rehabilitation so patients can learn physical, emotional, social and intellectual skills. In addition, patients get to learn skills such as information technology and communication to live, learn, work and socialise in the community with the least amount of professional intervention.
Block 244, Bukit Batok Avenue 5
01-229, Singapore 650244
Tel: 6899-3463

Singapore Association of Mental Health (SAMH)
In addition to counselling, SAMH also provides creative activities such as music and dance for participants of all ages to prevent and address mental health concerns. It also offers temporary accommodation for people with stable psychiatric illnesses to experience community integration in the heartlands. SAMH also conducts a psychiatric rehabilitation programme for people recovering from mental illness to cultivate independence, enhance interpersonal skills, and improve job readiness.
Address Blk 239, Bukit Batok East Avenue 5, #01-165, Singapore 650239
Tel +65 6564 7003, Email

Bukit Batok & Taman Jurong
Fei Yue Community Services is an online counselling service provided by Fei Yue Community Services for young people from 13 to 25 years old. As some find visiting a counsellor troublesome, while others may feel stigmatised, this free online service allows you to chat one-on-one with a professional counsellor about the issues you are facing. Check out the service at
Fei Yue Counselling and Social Work
Bukit Batok: Project Breakthrough
Fei Yue Family Services at SSO @ Taman Jurong
Jurong Spring
Want to be a mental-health advocate and support your loved ones towards better mental well-being? Jurong Spring Youth Network launched a Mental Health Advocate Programme in collaboration with Re:Mind. It aims to bust myths and raise awareness about mental health issues. The programme components include workshops such as gardening, yoga, stress management, focus group discussions and talks by experts.

For more information, please visit
If you or someone you know is experiencing emotional distress due to school, work, financial concerns or physical abuse, do know that there is a lot of support available at all times. Do not hesitate to reach out to the following helplines if you need to talk to someone so you can get the necessary help.
National Care Hotline: 1800-202-6868 (8am to 12am daily)
Mental Well-being
– Fei Yue’s Online Counselling Service
– Institute of Mental Health’s Mental Health Helpline (6389-2222)
– Samaritans of Singapore (1800-221-4444)
– Silver Ribbon Singapore (6385-3714)
Marital and parenting issues
– Community Psychology Hub’s Online Counselling platform
Violence or abuse
– Big Love Child Protection Specialist Centre (6445-0400)
– HEART @ Fei Yue Child Protection Specialist Centre (6819-9170)
– PAVE Integrated Services for Individual and Family Protection (6555-0390)
– Project StART (6476-1482)
– TRANS SAFE Centre (6449-9088)
– TOUCHline (Counselling) – 1800 377 2252